Parish Council Policies

Councillor’s Registers of Interest

Each Councillor needs to declare any financial or personal interests each year as they are representatives of local authorities. A Parish Council has a duty to ensure these are available for the public to see. Download ours here. The Clerk is not a Councillor.

Rob Morris


These documents have been adopted by the Parish Council in its role as a delegated authority of Harborough District Council and Leicestershire County Council and are reviewed annually.

Training Policy

Cotesbach Emergency Plan

Financial Regulations

 Code of Conduct

 Standing Orders

Safeguarding Policy

Retention of Documents Policy

 Risk Assessment

Publication Scheme under the Freedom of Information Act

Privacy Policy (Data Protection))

Asset Register Policy

Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy

Data Breach Policy

Bribery Policy

Health and Safety Policy

Complaints Procedure

Accessibility Statement

Privacy and Cookies notice

Eight Parishes Policy