Change to Bin Collections
Currently Wednesday, moving to Tuesday: Effective from Tuesday 5th November 2024.
Ashby Parva, Bitteswell, Broughton Astley, Catthorpe, Claybrooke Magna, Claybrooke Parva, Cotesbach, Frolesworth, Leire, Lutterworth, Shawell, Sutton in the Elms, Swinford, Ullesthorpe, Walcote.
HDC have arranged for approximately 25,000 luggage labels to be printed and attached to the affected residents bins a week before the change is due. This will take place on Tuesday 29th October and Wednesday 30th October 2024 with the changes being made Tuesday 5th November and Wednesday 6th November 2024.
They will also be launching a social media campaign to spread awareness and have created a new webpage on the Harborough District Council website which will provide further details.
Community Transport
A taxi services is available to Lutterworth , free to those with travel concessions. To book ring 01455 554368.
Also, a community bus runs between Cotesbach and Lutterworth on certain days. It also offers rides to Fosse Park at certain times. To contact them please ring 01455 555571 or e mail
Community Support
Forging Futures, located at High Point on Market Street, Lutterworth, is a day support provision for adults of all ages with learning disabilities.
The centre will open on Friday 2nd February 2024 from 9am to 3pm and will be open every Friday. Forging Futures will make links with local education providers offering opportunities for supported work experience internships for young people with additional needs.
Forging Futures’ mission is to provide a safe, nurturing and engaging environment for adults with additional needs and to promote independence, social connections and improve quality of life.
The Forge Cafe, located on the ground floor, is also open
Free Bus Services
There are bus services being offered in October and November 2024 – see below for information
Planning Applications
Please see below the list of planning applications:
Next Parish Council meetings 2024/25
New Parish Councillors
5 positions on the Parish Council have been filled after the election on 4th May 2023.
Your New Councillors are:
Edmund Hunt
Gavin Bennett
Rob Morris
Annie Newton
Margaret Wild
September 2021
Over the summer we have been talking to Shawell Parish about a proposals for the quarry and landfill land to become further industrialised with warehousing and offices. We will be agreeing Cotesbach Parish Council’s position on these possible plans at the PC meeting on 14th September, 19:30 and the village hall.
See a summary of the plans here – they include warehousing / office buildings parallel to the A426, including a new roundabout for entry.

December 2020
- Submit your objection here to Tile Factory operations extension on the quarry site
- See Shawell Parish’s one pager document for more information
November 2020
- A few volunteers helped clear the pond a few days ago and it’s looking great, thanks!
- We also submitted a grant to Leicestershire Council to make some further pond improvements, so fingers crossed we’ll get that.
- The grant is to support our recently developed Pond Management plan which you can download here. Get in touch if you want to help keep the pond running to this plan!

October 2020
- Leicestershire County Council planning committee agreed to refuse the waste processing plant application near the quarry on the grounds that it would not be helping reduce local waste going to landfill.
- The council also heard the concerns from residents about smells, flies, noise and traffic, contributing to its refusal. Councillor Blake Pain from the council wanted the applicant to know that the council will be paying close attention to any operations they decide to re-start at the site according to its existing planning approval.
- Well done to lots of hard work from Shawell Parish to achieve this – it was great to have worked with them on this campaign.
- At an extraordinary parish council meeting (see here for minutes) it was agreed to object to the recent planning application for a solar farm near to Cotesbach (20/01289/FUL) on the basis that it does have a detrimental impact on our local footpaths and adds to the cumulative affect of large industrial development nearby. We have been in discussion with the developer about additional improvements they can make to the application, and to confirm receipt of a community fund should the application go ahead. A copy of the letter can be seen here and residents are encouraged to submit their own comments on the Harborough District Council planning website.
June 2020
- Covid-19 seems to have been an excuse for developers to sneakily submit some major planning applications. An important one is a proposal to re-open the waste sorting facility at the landfill:
- Trebling the volume of waste to be sorted compared to t.previous operations
- . king waste from all over the country
- Sorting it 24/7 to make biomass fuel and recycle some plastics
- Operating at least 100 HGV movements a day around the Gibbet roundabout
- The Parish Council, with a vote from villagers in an extraordinary PC meeting (via Zoom!), agreed to object to this application and will be working with Shawell Parish on our objections.
- Villagers need to object by 30th June to make Leicestershire County Council, who will decide on this application, aware of our concerns.
- Go to a special website Shawell have created here to find out more and help with your objection. It will take just 10 minutes.
May 2020
- The Parish Council held their Annual Parish Council meeting and Parish Council meeting on 12th May via Skype which worked well.
- See draft minutes and the Chairman’s annual report from the past year’s activities on the minutes page here
March 2020
- Cotesbach Village Emergency Plan has been refreshed, and in light of Coronavirus we have started to roll out some actions before the Plan is formally adopted at the next Council meeting.
- Click here to see the Plan and your area Street Warden should be getting to know you.

January 2020
- We welcomed a new Councillor, Charlie Farley, to the Parish Council.
- Cllr Tom Haywood decided to hang up his Councillor boots after almost 10 years. Many thanks to Tom for his hard work over the years.
- See a new Funding and Grants section on the Parish Council website to explain more about the Eight Parishes Community Interest Company and the grants you can apply for.
- We also have a new Policies section that outlines the rules we keep running the Council to, as expected by Harborough District Council.
- The next council meeting will be on 12th May.
December 2019
- We are still looking to increase the number of Councillors as we only just scrape by with 3
- If you are interested in becoming one, have a look at this brief document to explain it a little bit more and email us to register your interest, find out more or just say hi!
August 2019
- We have recruited for our Parish Clerk! Welcome Patricia Nunn who will help keep us to task and ensure we are running the Council correctly.
- Our first Parish Council meeting with Patricia will be the 24th September, 19:30 at the Village Hall.
May 2019
- We are starting to recruit for the Parish Clerk position. See the recruitment pack and job description here.
- The Parish Council held their Annual Meeting on 13th May, 19:30 at the village hall. See the agenda here and approved minutes from the previous meeting in January here. All welcome to attend. Draft minutes of the meeting to follow shortly.
- The pond was cleared on 19th May – it looks great and look out for more improvements to come. Contact the council if you want to get more involved in the pond!